
This page provides award information for Conservation International contracts awarded using a competitive Request for Proposals process for GCF/GEF-funded activities implemented by the CI-GCF/GEF Agencies.


Preferred Vendors procedure

Conservation International Madagascar uses a Preferred Vendor List (PVL) for regular recurrent expenses. The PVL provides a list of competitively selected vendors. Some of these recurrent expenses include:

  • office supplies,
  • office maintenance,
  • automotive services,
  • lodging and catering,
  • car rental,
  • airfare,
  • translation services.

The procurement and administrative unit is responsible for maintaining this list which is updated whenever necessary.


CI-GEF Projects

Description: Develop database management system/metadata
Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 06/03/2020
Closing Date: 06/24/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 10/05/2020
Award Amount (USD): $11,167
Awardee: Association Famelona
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Description: Complementary studies on honey, raffia, and green charcoal value chains in the Boeny Region
Project name: FP026 - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Northwestern Landscape (Boeny Region)
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 03/14/2020
Closing Date: 04/11/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 08/19/2020
Award Amount (USD): $14,845
Awardee: Leadership for Local Development
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Description: Determination of the Carbon footprint of the health sector
Project name: FP026 -Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 03/04/2023
Closing Date: 03/27/2023
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 06/06/2023
Award Amount (MGA): MGA 72,060,000
Awardee: Razafimahatratra Bertrand
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Description: Collecte des données pour un projet d’appui aux aires protegees dans la Region de Boeny.
Project name: Conservation et utilisation durable de la Diversité Biologique dans le Paysage Nord-Ouest de Madagascar (Région Boeny).
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 05/11/2023
Closing Date: 05/31/2023
Procurement method: Appel d’offres dans les journaux
Award Date: July 2023
Award Amount (MGA): MGA 49,075,200
Awardee: Raharimanampisoa Mirana Henintsoa, Rabenoro Mahandry Mahefasoa, Rakotoniaina Tsiorimamy
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Description: Establish specific emissions factors for sectors
Project name: FP026- Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date05/16/2020
Closing Date: 06/06/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 08/24/2020
Award Amount (USD): $26,779
Awardee: Razafimbelo Tantely Maminiaina
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Description: Compiling and assessing lessons learned and best practices of existing MRV-likes initiatives. Developing national MRV framework based on sectoral data/monitoring system.
Project name: FP026- Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date01/15/2020
Closing Date: 02/15/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 07/06/2020
Award Amount (USD): $20,413
Awardee: Rasolofo Jaonarison
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Description: Consultancy for the establishment and maintenance of a website 
Project name: FP026 - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Northwestern Landscape (Boeny Region)
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 10/31/2020
Closing Date: 11/20/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 03/10/2021
Award Amount (USD): $3,720
Awardee: Razafindramanitra Andry Herilaza
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Description: Develop recommendations from each sector incorporated in policies guiding climate action: energy including hydrocarbons
Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 07/04/2020
Closing Date: 07/25/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 02/08/2021
Award Amount (USD): $5,116
Awardee: Rafenomanantsoa Jean Nirina
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DescriptionDevelop recommendations from each sector incorporated in policies guiding climate action: public health
Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 07/04/2020
Closing Date: 07/25/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 02/22/2021
Award Amount (USD): $4,706
Awardee: Mafilaza Victor
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DescriptionDevelop recommendations from each sector incorporated in policies guiding climate action: transport
Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 05/16/2020
Closing Date: 06/06/2020
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 03/15/2021
Award Amount (USD): $4,811
Awardee: H Group
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Description: Produce methodological guidance for sectoral adaptation actions and support monitoring
Project nameFP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 01/28/2021
Closing Date: 02/18/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 03/22/2021
Award Amount (USD): $7,126
Awardee: Agro Management for Rural Development (ARD)
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Description: Consultancy to update the national determined contribution of the Republic of Madagascar
Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 04/17/2021
Closing Date: 05/08/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 06/02/2021
Award Amount (USD): $20,736
Awardee: ClimAtlas
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Description: Consultancy to update the web portal to manage all climate change data
Project nameFP026 -Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 04/17/2021
Closing Date: 05/08/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 06/02/2021
Award Amount (USD): $6,203
Awardee: ClimAtlas
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Description: Develop a database managements system/metadata
Project nameFP026 -Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 04/17/2021
Closing Date: 05/08/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 06/02/2021
Award Amount (USD): $10,291
Awardee: Teodile Edmon
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Project nameFP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 06/19/2021
Closing Date: 07/10/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 09/15/2021
Award Amount (USD): $25,723.46
Awardee: Next One
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Project nameFP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 08/19/2021
Closing Date: 09/09/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 01/12/2022
Award Amount (USD): $17,883,94
Awardee: Teodile Edmon
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Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 02/10/2022
Closing Date: 03/03/2022
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 06/24/2022
Award Amount (USD): $77,778
Awardee: Ayite-Lo N . AJAVON
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Description: Development of NDC implementation plans and policies reflecting the recommendations in accordance with ongoing monitoring and reporting systems
Project name: FP026 -Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 02/10/2022
Closing Date: 03/03/2022
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 04/28/2022
Award Amount (USD): $15,682.84
Awardee: Agro-management for Rural development (ARD)
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Description: Elaboration of the national strategy on gender and climate change in Madagascar
Project nameFP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 02/25/2022
Closing Date: 03/18/2022
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 07/14/2022
Award Amount (USD): $8,854.42
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Project name: FP026 - Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Northwestern Landscape (Boeny Region)
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 11/06/2021
Closing Date: 11/29/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 02/11/2022
Award Amount (USD): $11,461.14
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Project name: FP026 - Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 05/25/2022
Closing Date: 06/15/2022
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 09/14/2022
Award Amount (USD): $4,265.96
Awardee: RAMANANTSIALONINA Ambinintsoa Samoelina
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Description: Identification of transformational adaptation investment sectors and technologies (Project component 01)
Project name: FP026 - Adaptation Accelerator Program: Building Climate Resilience through Enterprise Acceleration Liberia and Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 10/04/2022
Closing Date: 10/25/2022
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 04/14/2023
Award Amount (USD): $9,589.94
Awardee: Buy your way
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CI-GCF Projects

Description: Acquisition de trois (03) vehicules tout terrain neufs
Project name: FP026- Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 02/27/2019
Closing Date: 03/18/2019
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 05/08/2019
Award Amount (USD): $159,791.41
Awardee: Toyota Rasseta
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Description: Fourniture de douze (12) moto-cross 125CC neuves
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 09/04/2019
Closing Date: 09/30/2019
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 10/22/2019
Award Amount (USD): $52,963.43
Awardee: Madauto
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Description: 003- FIA/19/AO/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des Lot suivants : Lot 1 – semences, Lot 2 - Petits matériels Agricoles, Lot 3 – Canards- Porcelets- Alevins et accessoires , Lot 4 – Jeunes plants et accessoires de transport, Lot 5 – Engrais biologique.
Note: this RFP included 5 divisible batches (lots), resulting in multiple awards
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 08/08/2019
Closing Date: 09/02/2019
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 09/10/2019-01/30/2020
Award Amount (USD): $438,873.29
Awardees: Andrianandrasana, ECF Maharitra, El M'kizy Elbert Ross, Enduma, Entreprise Miarintsoa, Entreprise Vero, Famenontsoa, Forgeron Haja, Gasy Mifanampy, Global Service, Groupement Producteur Semencier Mirana, Koloharena, Malaza Trading, Raheriarinoro Dorothée, Ramanisa Desia, Rasoarivelo Veronique, Ratompohary Andriamanarivo Martial Bonaventure
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Description: 002/19/AO/CI Appel d’offres pour l’acquisition des Lot suivants: Lot 1-semences, Lot 2- Petit materiéls, Lot 3- volailles et accesoires de transport, Lot 4-Jeunes plantes et accessoires de transport, Lot 5- Engrais biologique.
Note: this RFP included 5 divisible batches (lots), resulting in multiple awards
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 07/24/2019
Closing Date: 08/16/2019
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 09/10/2019-12/20/2019
Award Amount (USD): $208,585.73
Awardees: Agroboxx, Andrianandrasana Andrianarison, Andrianirinarimanana Mamy Najaina, Association Des Polios Et Infirmes Moteurs Mada, Famenontsoa, Forgeron Haja, GPS Mirana, Groupement Producteur Semencier Mirana, Infotec Center, Koloharena, Malaza Trading, Ratompohary Andriamanarivo Martial Bonaventure, Razafitsihoarana Odile
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Description: Fourniture de deux (02) véhicules 4x4 Tout Terrain neufs
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 09/19/2019
Closing Date: 10/14/2019
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 10/22/2019
Award Amount (USD): $128,977.08
Awardee: SICAM     
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Description: 001/21/AOO/CI RFP for the following batches: 1-Seeds, 2-Small agricultural equipment, 3-Organic fertilizer
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 04/23/2021
Closing Date: 05/14/2021
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: 07/22/2021 to 12/17/2021
Award Amount (USD): 196,280.74
RFP Number: RFP 001/21/AOO/CI
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Description: 001/22/RFQ/GCF/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des Lianes de vanille CAZ: Sous-Lot 1-Liane de vanille pour ToamasinaII-Fito, Sous-Lot 2-Liane de vanille pour Toamasina II-Ambodilazana, Sous-Lot 3-Liane de vanille pour Toamasina II- Satrandroy, Sous-Lot 4-Liane de vanille pour Brickaville, Sous-Lot 5 Liane de vanille pour Vatomandry, Sous-Lot 6 Liane de vanille pour Ambatondrazaka et Moramanga
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 01/29/2022
Closing Date: 02/21/2022
Procurement method: RFQ
Award Date: 03/15/2022
Award Amount (USD): $53,332.06
Awardee: ROZIMANANA Sidonie, Entreprise MIRINDRA, RAJAONAH Hubert Francklin, RAOLISON Benjamin, RANDRIANASOLO Desiré, RAZANATSOA Clarette
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Description: 003/22/RFP/GCF/CI Request for proposal recruitment of International Independent consultant on Food Security & Agribusiness Advisor
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 04/06/2022
Closing Date: 04/27/2022
Procurement method: RFP
Award Date: No award
Award Amount (USD): N/A
Awardee: N/A
RFP Number: 003/22/RFP/GCF/CI
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Description: 011/22/RFQ/GCF/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des Lots suivants: Lot 1-Semences, Lot 2-Petits matériels Agricoles, Lot 3-Engrais biologique
Project name : FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published date: 04/14/2022
Closing Date: 05/05/2022
Award Date: 05/24/2022 to 08/12/2022
Award Amount (USD): 488,331,70
RFQ Number: RFQ 011/22/RFQ/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: AMI N°001/22/GCF/CI Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt enquêteurs
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project Country: Madagascar
Published Date: 03/12/2022
Closing Date: 04/01/2022
Award Date: 08/31/2022
Award Amount (USD): 29,844.14
Awardees: RAMBELOSON Hariniony Avotra, Randrianarisoa Hanitriniala Domohina Sylvia, RALISON Eluard Galland Manintsilaha, RAHARILALAINA Hortance Nadia, VONINARY Alie Marie, ANDRIANJATOVONIRINA Miarinjo Toavina, ZAFIMAROVELO Edouard Theodore, SOANIJORO Rosat de Nina, Njarasoaniaina Emilien, RAFALIARIMISA Tojoniaina, RAJAONASY Eloi, RATSIALONINA Victorien, RANDRIAMILANTO Jean Venance Martin, RAKOTOMAMY Nanjafy Rindraniaina Elie, Massou Emmanuel, Mananjandry Jeannie Cecilia, Tovosoaniaina Tsiory Narindra, Hanitriniaina Chantal, Rasamimanana Todisoanirina Landry, Rakotosalama Avotra Nirina, Andrianasoloherizo Francois de Sales, Ratsitakarina Alain Grimaldi, Rasolofomanana Honoré, Rasidison Jacques Geraldo, Nirimanarivo Maria Gracia
Call for Interest Number: AMI N°001/22/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: AMI N°002/22/GCF/CI Appel à Manifestation d'Intérêt chefs enquêteurs
Project Name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project Country: Madagascar
Published Date: 03/12/2022
Closing Date: 04/01/2022
Award Date: 08/31/2022
Award Amount (USD): 16,727.28
Awardees: RAHALIMANANA Olie Donna, MARSON Harisoa Rosine, RAZAFINJATO Miora Corinne, RAHARISOANIRINA Elodie, RAHARILANTO Andry Tahiana, RAVOAVINOTAHIANA Hanitrarivo Cathicia, HERITIANA Tsiory Joelson, RAKOTONINDRINA Fenitra Albert, Andrianotahiana Honore Harivony, Andriamanantsoa Nivoharivonjy, RAHERIVELO Floris, DIMBISOA Miarimalala
Call for Interest Number: AMI N°002/22/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: RFP N°002/FY23/RFP/GCF/CI Recrutement d’un groupe de consultants nationaux chargé de l’élaboration des documents techniques de projet de création de la fondation nationale sur les changements climatiques
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 11/12/2022
Closing Date: 12/05/2022
Relaunch Date: 12/16/2022
Closing Date of relaunch: 01/15/2023
Award Date: 05/15/2023
Award Amount (USD): 25,000
Request for proposals Number: N°002/FY23/RFP/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: RFP N°003/FY23/RFP/GCF/CI Recrutement d’un cabinet de conseil juridique pour la création d’un fonds fiduciaire sur le changement climatique ou trust fund pour le changement climatique.
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 11/12/2022
Closing Date: 12/05/2022
Relaunch Date: 12/16/2022
Closing Date of relaunch: 01/15/2023
Award Date: 05/05/2023
Award Amount: 26,200
Awardee: MLO/ Madagascar Law Offices
Request for proposals Number: N°003/FY23/RFP/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: RFP N°011/23/RFQ/GCF/CI Acquisition des ordinateurs portables
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 03/23/2023
Closing Date: 04/13/2023
Award Date: 07/14/2023 and 10/12/2023
Award Amount in MGA: 186,475,800.00
Award Amount in USD: 44,966.29
Awardee: Service Electronique (S.E.T)
Request for proposals Number: N°011/23/RFQ/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: 006/23/RFQ/GCF/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des Lots suivants : Lot 1-Semences, Lot 2-Petits matériels Agricoles, Lot 3-Engrais biologique
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 02/10/2023
Closing Date: 03/03/2023
Award Date: 05/04/2023 to 08/28/2023
Award Amount (USD): 412,725.04
RFQ Number: RFQ 006/23/RFQ/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: 007/23/RFQ/GCF/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des lianes de vanille CAZ: sous-Lot 1_Liane de vanille pour Toamasina II, Sous-Lot 2_Liane de vanille pour Brickaville, Sous-Lot3_Liane de vanille pour Vatomandry, Sous-Lot 4_Liane de vanille pour Moramanga- Sous-Lot 5_Liane de vanille pour Ambatondrazaka
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 02/10/2023
Closing Date: 03/03/2023
Award Date: 03/28/2023 to 08/03/2023
Award Amount (USD): 21,552.12
RFQ Number: RFQ 007/23/RFQ/GCF/CI
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DESCRIPTION: 020/23/RFQ/GCF/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des jeunes plants pour CAZ et COFAV : Lot 1_Jeunes plants de caféier arabica, Lot 2_Jeunes plants de caféier robusta, Lot 3_Jeunes plants de giroflier, Lot 4_Jeunes plants de litchier, Lot 5_Jeune plants de pommier.
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 06/09/2023
Closing Date: 07/03/2023
Award Date: 11/20/2023 to 02/09/2024
Award Amount (MGA): 864,392,119.95
Award Amount (USD): 208,437.28
Awardees: ARIES COMPANY, Ets ROBEN’S, Rambeloson Willy Orlando, RAZAFINTSOHARANA Odile, ANDRIANJALAHY Jo Maurice, FANOMEZANTSOA Jean Bruno, HARITSALAMA Andolalaina, ONG Sondrotra, RAHANGIMALALA Mathilde, RAHARISON Jean Denis, RAKOTOVAO Venance, RANDRIANARIZAKA Antso Fanantenana, RAZAFINDRAHANTA Marie Jeannette, ROLLISON Ludovic.
RFQ Number: RFQ 020/23/RFQ/GCF/CI
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Description: 001/24/RFQ/GCF/CI Appel d'offres pour l'acquisition des Lots suivants: Lot 1-Semences, Lot 2-Petits matériels Agricoles, Lot 3-Engrais biologique

001/24/RFQ/GCF/CI_RELANCE : Lot 1-Semences, Lot 3-Engrais biologique

Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: 01/10/2024
Closing Date: 01/31/2024
Relaunch Date: 03/13/2024
Closing Date relaunch: 03/21/2024
Award Date: 05/06/2024 to 07/11/2024
Award Amount (MGA): 629,518,910.44
Award Amount (USD): 140,905.23
RFQ Number: 001/24/RFQ/GCF/CI
Download: Lot 1: Acquisition des semences | Lot 2: Acquisition des petits Matériels Agricoles | Lot 3: Acquisition Engrais Biologiques | Relance Lot 1: Acquisition de semences | Relance Lot 3: Acquisition Engrais Biologiques


DESCRIPTION: Recrutement d’enquêteurs (H/ F) pour actualiser les données disponibles relatifs aux indicateurs initiaux et les effets du projet financé par « Green Climate Fund » sur les bénéficiaires dans le Corridor Ankeniheny- Zahamena (CAZ) et Corridor Forestier Ambositra -Vondrozo (COFAV)
Project name: FP026 - Sustainable Landscape in Eastern Madagascar
Project country: Madagascar
Published Date: February 1st, 2024
Closing Date: February 23rd, 2024
Award Date: November 18th, 2024
Award Amount (MGA): 245,396,000.00
Award Amount (USD): 51,533.16
Awardees: SOANIJORO Rosat de Nina, RAHALIMANANA Olie Donna, RALISON Eluard Galland Manintsilaha, RAMBELOSON Hariniony Avotra, DIMBISOA Miarimalala, RATSIALONINA Victorien, Tovosoaniaina Tsiory Narindra, Ranohaviarifara Mihantasoa Fahasoavana, Hanitriniaina Chantal, RAKOTONINDRINA Fenitra Albert, RAHERIVELO Floris, Nirimanarivo Maria Gracia, GUERRA Rotasline, Arivelontseheno Sedra Henintsoa, Samoelson RENAUD, SAMBANY Tiavina Florencia Noëla, HERINTSOA Mahefarison Raymond, Rabenandrasana Heritiana Liantsoa, Randrianarison Niaina Seheno, Razafimahefa Fanampiharizaka Florentine, HARIVELONIRINA Patricia, RAFANOMEZANTSOA Nirina Nanoa, ANDRIANJAFY Jacques Ruddy, RASOARIMALALA Elisabeth, Vololonantenaina Martiniah Janice, Ratsimbason Vero Mampionona Zinah, Rahary Nivoranto Lalaina Romy, Razafimandimby Francis, Andriamananjara Nasolotafika Mahary, Raharison Sendra Mahefa, Nomenjanahary Sarah, HERINOMENISOA MENA Rolland Jean Jose, RAHARILALAINA Hortance Nadia, Elie Louisa, Andrianotahiana Honore Harivony
Call for Interest Number: 002/24/AMI/GCF/CI
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