Our Experts

Conservation International has leading experts in science, policy and partnerships.

© Conservation International/photo by John Martin


© Jeff Gale

Peter Seligmann

Founder + Chairman of the Board

  • Expertise: sustainability, natural resources, land use
  • Location: Americas | Pacific Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Georgina Goodwin


Chief Executive Officer

  • Expertise: nature, leadership, growth
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Nora Hyde for Conservation International

Sebastian Troëng

Executive Vice President, Conservation Partnerships

  • Expertise: development, impact investing, international business
  • Location: Europe | Central European Time Zone
  • Languages: English, Spanish, Swedish

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Climate and Science

© M. Axelsson/Azote

Johan Rockström

Chief Scientist

  • Expertise: climate science, natural climate solutions, sustainability
  • Location: Europe | Central European Time Zone
  • Languages: English, Swedish

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© Nora Hyde for Conservation International

Will Turner

Senior Scientist and Senior Vice President, Natural Climate Solutions

  • Expertise: climate, nature-based solutions, innovation, technology, biodiversity, sustainability
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Conservation International

Bronson Griscom

Vice President, Natural Climate Solutions

  • Expertise: nature, carbon sequestration, forests and agriculture
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Conservation International

Emily Nyrop

Vice President, Climate Change

  • Expertise: nature-based climate mitigation and adaptation solutions, innovations, and funding mechanisms
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Nora Hyde for Conservation International

Stephanie Wear

Senior Vice President, Moore Center for Science

  • Expertise: oceans, land and water protections, coalition-building
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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Oceans and Blue Carbon

© Conservation International

Emily Pidgeon

Vice President, Ocean Science and Innovation

  • Expertise: oceans, blue carbon, marine climate change, coastal engineering
  • Location: Americas | Pacific Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Nicholas Karlin

Jen Howard

Vice President, Blue Carbon

  • Expertise: blue carbon, carbon marketplace, oceans and wetlands
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English



© Nicholas Karlin

John Buchanan

Vice President, Sustainable Production

  • Expertise: sustainable agriculture and supply chains, business, agroforestry
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English, French, Spanish

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© Nicholas Karlin

Bambi Semroc

Senior Vice President, Sustainable Lands + Waters

  • Expertise: sustainable production, green financing, agriculture
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English, French, Spanish

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© Conservation International

Lee Hannah

Senior Scientist, Climate Change Biology

  • Expertise: climate change biology, biodiversity hotspots, wilderness management
  • Location: Americas | Pacific Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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© Nicholas Karlin

Lina Barrera

Senior Vice President of International Policy

  • Expertise: climate policies (Paris Agreement/UNFCCC and related national level policies), carbon markets, UN negotiations (Sustainable Development Goals, Convention on Biological Diversity, High Seas treaty)
  • Location: Americas | Mountain Time Zone
  • Languages: English, Spanish, French

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© Conservation International

Neil Vora

Pandemic Prevention Fellow

  • Expertise: zoonotic diseases, One Health, medicine
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: English

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Regional Leadership

© Muhammad Fadli

Meizani Irmadhiany

Senior Vice President, Executive Chair of Konservasi Indonesia

  • Expertise: sustainable land use, environmental and social safeguards, sustainable finance (seascape and landscape), biodiversity
  • Location: Asia-Pacific | West Indonesian Time Zone
  • Languages: Indonesia, English

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© Ana Guzman

Ana Guzman

Executive Director, Conservation International-Costa Rica

  • Expertise: marine protections, forest management, green financing
  • Location: Americas | Central Time Zone
  • Languages: Spanish, English


© Fabio Arjona

Fabio Arjona

Vice President, Conservation International-Colombia

  • Expertise: natural resource management, IPLC partnerships, mangrove forests
  • Location: Americas | Eastern Time Zone
  • Languages: Spanish, English


© Conservation International

Mauricio Bianco

Vice President, Conservation International-Brazil

  • Expertise: Amazonia, IPLC partnerships, restoration
  • Location: Americas | Brasilia Time Zone
  • Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English

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