Updates from Asia-Pacific

Stories from the frontlines of conservation in the Asia-Pacific region

Scientific Expedition Supports Need for Whale Shark Marine Protected Areas

The results of a scientific expedition led by Conservation International’s main partner in Indonesia, Konservasi Indonesia, have shown that the designation of a whale shark-based marine protected area (MPA) in Indonesia’s Saleh Bay would have far-reaching conservation impact, benefiting a high diversity of marine life while supporting sustainable fisheries for local communities and a growing whale shark tourism sector.

Our team were joined by researchers from local universities and research institutes as well as the Indonesian government, on an expedition to establish a biodiversity baseline for the creation of the first whale shark-based MPA in Saleh Bay.

Located in West Nusa Tenggara and connected to the Flores Sea, Saleh Bay was previously identified as an Important Shark and Ray Area by a group of international scientists under the IUCN, due to its importance as a feeding area and movement corridor for the endangered whale shark.

Konservasi Indonesia is working closely with local and national stakeholders to advance the formal designation of a whale shark-based MPA in Saleh Bay, with a view to it becoming a leading example for whale shark area-based management.

Photo credits: Ben Philips via Pexels